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Innovation is our most important fundamental principle.

An outstanding team of lawyers focused on solving our clients' problems.

We are pioneers in the use of the tools provided by law.

Thoroughness and legal expertise at our clients' service

Practice Areas

We are experts in the areas of practice that companies need.

MTA is widely recognized for our expertise across different areas of practice applied for business, for our creative and innovative approach to developing practical, commercially focused solutions to complex transactions and for our efficiency in managing deals, projects and cases.

Committed to excellence

The excellence, knowledge and multidisciplinary approach of our team are perfectly aligned with the needs of our clients.


Progress of the Labor Reform Bill in Colombia

Escrito por: Alejandra Vidaurre Tugues El proyecto de reforma laboral ha superado una etapa clave con su aprobación en la Cámara de Representantes, marcando un avance significativo en su trámite...

The Importance of Independent Board Members

Escrito por: Valentina Ortega Prieto Los miembros de la junta directiva son elegidos por la asamblea general de accionistas y, en conjunto, conforman el órgano administrativo de la sociedad. Este,...

La importancia del respeto al estado de Derecho

La International Bar Association (IBA), la organización jurídica más importante del mundo, acaba de publicar el primer estudio sobre el impacto de la industria de servicios legales en el mundo....

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